Garasi Kerja Loker,Lowongan Kerja Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Sales Motoris

Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Sales Motoris

Job title: Sales Motoris

Company: PT Suka Sari Mitra Mandiri

Job description: Persyaratan

  • Pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat
  • Mempunyai SIM C
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 Tahun di bidang Barang Konsumen
  • Mampu bekerja secara individu & kerja Tim, memiliki motivasi tinggi, jujur, tegas & bertanggung jawab

Tanggung Jawab

  • Menjalin hubungan baik dengan pelanggan.
  • bekerja sama dengan Supervisor Penjualan serta bagian lainnya dalam rangka mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan
  • Merencanakan kegiatan pejualan yang efektif dan efisien.
  • Bertanggung jawab atas tercapainya target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan.

Disclaimer: melamar pekerjaan di tidak dipungut biaya

Tentang Perusahaan

Sukasari soy sauce initiated by Mr. Hoo Hian Loang originating from China. He came to Indonesia in 1930 and started a business making tofu.

In Indonesia tofu very preferred and sold in the market in general for household consumption and itinerant food vendors. Uncertain market situation made out to be less profitable business. becaouse often see soy sauce is often used as a cooking companion to the itinerant food vendors, then Mr. Hoo thought to make soy sauce. Soy sauce comes from China just salt only, while in Indonesian sweet soy sauce is thick and more preferably, it creates a taste of Semarang typical soy sauce, and soy sauce named Piring Lombok. From home industry located on then street suyudono 76 Semarang developed into soy sauce industry licenced from ministry of Industry in 1951.

In 1966 Mr. Hoo handled the company to his son Mr. Hadisiswanto (Hoo Giok Siang) As a next generation family company, Mr. Hadisiswanto (Hoo Giok Siang). AS next generation family company, Mr. Hadisiswanto develop then market of java to Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Bali and Madura. For production management and employees handled over to his wife Mrs Lenawati Pudjoastuti.

In 1990 with hopes of becoming bigger, Piring Lombok Soy Sauce Company in coorporation with one of the national scale, food producers to develop businesses. Coorperation that runs only one year must be terminated due to the skewer and Mr. Hadisiswanto reluctantly gave up then brand Piring Lombok belong to someone else.

Under the company of PT. Sukasari Mitra Mandiri, Mr. Hadisiswanto began pioneering new business then not only produces soy sauce, but also syrups, chilli sauces and vinegar with a brand Sukasari. Existing customers strongly support the existence of a new brand owned by Mr. Hadisiswanto. Due to then business of Mr. Hadisiswanto in other businesses, then company handed over to his wife Mrs Lenawati Pudjoastuti.

Slowly but surely PT. SUKASARI MITRA MANDIRI managed by Mrs Lenawati Pudjoastuti wit her staff and employees successfully develop Sukasari soy sauce. Now Sukasari be one well-known brand in then market.

Expected salary:

Location: Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Job date: Sat, 08 Jul 2023 22:20:29 GMT

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