Job title: OB dan Cleaning Service Situbondo
Company: Enkaso Manufakturing
Job description: Job Description OB dan Cleaning Service Situbondo: Job information OB dan Cleaning Service Situbondo from the Company Enkaso Manufakturing, this latest OB dan Cleaning Service Situbondo job vacancy is located in the city Situbondo located in the province Jawa-Timur . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate . Job Vacancies in this Other field have been opened and published up to the specified time.
Job Responsibility OB dan Cleaning Service Situbondo: Saat ini kami membuka lowongan kerja sebagai : Waiters, Kasir, Office Boy / OB, Cleaning Service, Helper.
Posisi Lainnya : Administrasi, Kurir, OB, Security, Waiters, Kasir, Data Entry, Operator Produksi, Staff Gudang, Accounting, Customer Service, Security, dan Helper
Job Requirement OB dan Cleaning Service Situbondo:
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia Maksimal 40 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimal SMP (SD Boleh Mencoba)
- Rajin, ulet dan baik hati
- Jujur, disiplin, teliti, bertanggung jawab dan mau belajar.
- Benefit dan tunjangan disesuaikan berdasarkan Posisi
Catatan : Proses penyeleksian dilakukan di Jakarta.
Expected salary: 3000000 – 4000000 per month
Location: Situbondo, Jawa Timur
Job date: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:26:55 GMT